Tuesday, 22 October 2024











Service Requests

  • A conService Requestssumer interested in acquiring sign language interpreting services must communicate with SLI and make a formal request for interpreting services.  This formal request must include among other things, name of the deaf consumer, the hour, duration, place of service, contact person with telephone, interpreter gender preference and languages preferred.  Any special instructions or requests must be made at this time.
  • When SLI receives the information, SLI will send a written confirmation [fax, e-mail or letter] for the service indicating number of interpreters being assigned and confirming availability.  If a service request is confirmed within 72 business hours of the scheduled service, a written or a verbal confirmation (including messages left on voice mail or an answering machine) will be deemed binding and sufficient.
  • In accordance with standard interpreter practices, interpreting services that have a duration of more than two hours usually require two interpreters.  This ensures that information is accurately transmitted and minimizes interpreter error from fatigue.
  • In the case that a service is requested within 48 business hours, the service will be considered confirmed at the moment of request.
  • A request for service is may be a written request such as a fax, e-mail or letter as well as a verbal request such as a personal telephone conversation and messages left on voice mail.



Lenguaje de Señas (SLI)

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